Intellectual property rulesGovernance rulesNegotiation of a MOUSearch for a local partner

Support to the definition of Intellectual Property rules in an R&D partnership

  • Inventory of background intellectual property owned by the client to be included in the partnership perimeter and possible valuation; estimate of partner’s corresponding portfolio
  • Definition proposal for existing and future intellectual properties
  • Proposal of use right rules of intellectual property by the partners inside and outside the cooperation perimeter
  • Proposal of rules of licencing to third parties and partners remuneration
  • Preparation of negotiations with the partner and recommendations on client’s positions adjustment

Support to the definition of job sharing and governance rules in a technologic cooperation

  • Analysis of the know-how of the two partners and the split of the project business in macro-activities
  • Proposal for the allocation of the execution lead for each macro-activity, taking into account the client’s strategic requests
  • Within the detailed task list of each macro-activity, support in the allocation of each task leadership
  • Proposal of governance structure, such as a steering committee, its missions and operating rules
  • Proposal of project team organization
  • Preparation of negotiations with the partner at each step and recommendations on client’s positions adjustment

Support to the negotiation of a Memorandum Of Understanding  (MOU) defining the principles of a future cooperation contract for the co-development and the co-manufacturing of a new product

  • Proposal with the client’s project manager of a guideline letter defining at the company level the targets for the project and for the key details of implementation
  • Support to the installation of a project team in the client’s company (with or without hired experts) covering the different MOU items to be negotiated
  • Definition with the project team of detailed targets by subject (prerequisites, best targets, negotiation margins, non-negotiable points)
  • Organization of the contacts with the partner (corporate meetings, technical meetings, workshops, pairs)
  • Status report with the client (points of convergence and divergence), update of the global situation, strength and weaknesses of each partner position and win-win status
  • Recommendations on the adjustment of the client’s position and the pursuit of the Memorandum negotiations
  • If necessary, mine clearing of hard points with the partner
  • Memorandum contract drafts reviews and advice

Support to a local partner search for the manufacturing of an existing product in a new country with an assembly contract

  • Definition of the partner’s identikit picture with the client and drawing-up of a list of possible prospects in connection with local information from the country
  • Selection of the partners to be contacted and drawing-up of the questions to be documented
  • Contactings (disclosing or not client’s name)
  • Contacts first assessment and drawing-up of a short list  with the client
  • Second phase of contacts with client’s participation, possibly leading to the signature of a LOI (Letter Of Intent) with one or two partner candidates
  • Third phase of contacts up to the final partner’s choice in order to start exclusive negotiations