Our know-how: advising the project owner ans his team on the whole process
We advise the executive management or the project owner appointed by the company on the whole steering of the cooperation project. Thanks to our experts network, we can also propose the operation of specialists in various fields, either to complement the expertise team put in place by the company, or to provide a limited support or an external second view. Based on this fully flexible offer at client’s disposal, we can operate with our network, on the whole processus.

Our operation could consist of a support on:
- Prospecting of potential partners
- Contacts organization and information flow control
- Identification of win-win scenarios according to technical and financial criteria defined by the company
- Consistence with company’s strategy
- Proposal of cooperation principles regarding job-sharing, property, financial and governance rules
- Definition of specific structures (Joint-Venture…)
- Business plan establishment
- Conduct of negotiations
- Finalization of the contract detailing the cooperation rules
- Institution of a relationship of trust
- Start of implementation of the partnership
- …
If there is an international dimension in the project, our operation could also consist of a support on:
- Country analysis (economic environment, socio-cultural, regulations, politics…),
- Industrial network analysis (suppliers, competitors, geography, logistics…)
- Fiscal and customs impact analysis
- Contacts organization with local authorities
- …
Of course, confidentiality on the projects and partners identities is a priority for I-Coopt Consulting and its network, who will be able to propose corresponding Non Disclosure Agreements.